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Why Self-Awareness?

Children need to:

  • Recognize their strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify what they need to do to complete a task
  • Recognize errors in work or school and make changes
  • Understand and talk about feelings
  • Recognize other people’s needs and feelings
  • See how one’s behavior affect others
  • Prepare individuals for the “Real World”

Why Social Awareness?

Children need to:

  • Develop compassion for people around them
  • Form strong friendships and relationships
  • Work collaboratively with others
  • Appreciate cultural differences and diversity
  • Understand how one fits into and contributes to their community and the world around them.

Why Self-Management?

Children need to:

  • Own their thoughts, feelings, actions, and emotions
  • Find coping mechanisms that work best for them
  • Have the ability to problem solve
  • Efficiently set, plan, and achieve short and long term goals

Why Relationship Skills?

Children need to:

  • Develop interpersonal skills
  • Understand & improve verbal and non-verbal cues/communication
  • Improve listening skills
  • Build healthy relationships at home, with friends, and in the classroom

Why Decision-Making Skills?

Children need to

  • Take on leadership roles
  • Quickly and efficiently analyze a situation so they can connect paths that will ultimately lead to the best outcomes
  • Control impulsive behavior
  • Organize and prioritize their academic needs while maintaining personal interest
  • Understand consequences of poor decision-making

Ready To Get Started?

Schedule Appointment